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Tooth Brushing Techniques to Clean Your Teeth

DISCLOSURE: Noelle Copeland RDH is an Oral Care Specialist and Dental Consultant who provides content for Brilliant Oral Care and Baby Buddy.

Of all the available tooth brushing techniques, I think the number one takeaway for each one is that most people need to work on the amount of time they spend brushing their teeth. Many people, including kids, rush through their morning routine in an attempt to get out the door faster, and at night they barely make it through an evening routine before collapsing in the bed. I’ve written before on a brushing method often introduced in a dental setting, called the Bass method, and it’s an excellent method to reach all the surfaces of the teeth. However, sometimes I feel like people won’t even read the steps because it seems too technical. So for this blog, I’m going to break it down into straightforward terms.

  • Wash your hands with warm soapy water before starting. Prevents cross-contamination.
  • Wet the bristles of the toothbrush with warm or hot water. This softens the bristles and removes any debris.
  • Place a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the bristles.
  • Start brushing in the back of the mouth first because it’s often the most missed area of surfaces.
  • Put the brush in the mouth and tilt the brush head toward the gum line at an angle.
  • Brush in small strokes, not long sweeping strokes. 
  • Focus on brushing 1-2 teeth at a time, reaching every surface.
  • To brush the whole mouth effectively, in this manner, it should take at least 2 minutes.
  • Follow up all brushing efforts with flossing between every tooth, even the teeth that don’t touch other teeth, like the backside of the last molars.
  • Brush a minimum of twice a day, in the morning before eating breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. If bedtime is difficult, plan to brush after your last meal of the day, but plan the brushing to be at least 45 minutes after the final meal. This timing allows the protective salivary pellicle time to reform.

That’s it, a simplified, straightforward way to get brushing done with a helpful reminder to slow down and not rush. Brushing doesn’t have to be complicated; for most people, it’s probably the most simple task we do every day, which is why we tend to set it on autopilot and forget about it. Take a quick inventory of your current routine and method and make any needed adjustments.

If you were looking for better and healthier ways to establish an effective home care routine, you found the right place. If you want to try the best toothbrush for kids and adults, look no further than Brilliant Oral Care. Our round head toothbrush not only removes the plaque on teeth, it simultaneously cleans and removes the plaque and bacteria found on the cheeks, gums, teeth, and tongue. 

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