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I Wanna Be Just Like Dad!! Ways that Dads make a positive impact in the lives of their children !

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there! We thank you for your hard work, your sacrifice and the giving of your life and your time to your family! We honor and celebrate you in this season and EVERYDAY for the way you inspire your children to live for today and dream for the future! Being “Dad” is such a huge responsibility, raising up the next generation. The pride and joy that comes from hearing your kids say, “I want to be just like Dad” makes all your efforts totally worth it!! No doubt it warms your heart and affirms you as a parent that your children see you, respect you , cherish you and want to be just like you.

Your Time With Them MATTERS!!

It’s no coincidence that kids want to be like their fathers. Studies have shown that even during infancy, children with fathers that were actively involved in their day to day care and influence:

  • had better results in their development assessments and 
  • showed an increased capability in their strive to learn and explore new things. 

Research has shown that fathers: 

  •  Influence how their children learn, 
  • Influence their social and emotional development, 
  • encourage them to take calculated risks and 
  • model how to effectively care for themselves and for others.

Fathers Are Crucial

Dr. David Popenoe, Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University and Co-Director of the National Marriage Project and author of the book Life Without Father states it like this: “Fathers are far more than just “second adults” in the home. 

Involved fathers – especially biological fathers – 

  • bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring.
  • They provide protection and economic support and male role models. 
  • They have a parenting style that is significantly different from that of a mother and that difference is important in healthy child development.” 

Like Dr. Popenoe said,, fathers parent differently than mothers and the contrast and differences bring the best of both worlds, a good environment with both dynamics.

Involvement Equals Growth

Dads influence how their children learn from the very beginning, even when they are babies. By changing diapers, helping with feedings and spending quality time with their babies, even in this early stage of life, fathers show their children they are making them and their well-being a priority. This kind of involvement from fathers has proven to increase cognitive development in children. Research has shown that children with educated, involved Dads have better test taking capabilities. And these studies also showed that fathers consistently practicing developed dialog with their children see them speak with a more extensive vocabulary than those without regular father to child conversations.

Social Growth And Benefits

Dads have a huge influence on their children’s social and emotional development. 

Children with involved fathers that engage in:

  • play, 
  • sports, 
  • games and 
  • recreation together 

see more positive social growth. These kids are more likely to have a greater amount of affirming friendships and have a better grasp on their emotions, especially in social situations. Fathers that make a point to model positive ways of conflict resolutions also see an increase in independent growth in their children.

DAD Spells F-U-N!

Nobody knows how to have more fun than Dads!! Fathers are often the one who encourages the most physical activity, and this helps combat the ever-growing national problem of childhood obesity in a positive way. Dads are usually the heroes who: 

  • teach bike riding, 
  • they introduce sports and how to play them, 
  • challenge the kids to races and contests and 
  • teach and exhibit the rules that go along with all these physical activities. 

Fathers inspire their kids:

  • to take risks, 
  • chase after their dreams, and 
  • implement rules, regulations and discipline. 

Dad is so crucial for all important family decisions and his wisdom and influence are the foundation of how his family, as a unit, is built. His strength and hard work inspires his children to want to work hard and succeed in school, sports, hobbies and their dreams and aspirations for the future. If you know your parents believe in you, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish!

Little Eyes Are ALWAYS Watching!

One of the most important roles that fathers fulfill is teaching their children how to effectively care for themselves and for others. Not only do fathers teach them about it, they model it by their actions and activities in their everyday lives. KIDS WATCH EVERYTHING!!  From when you take a shower, what clothes you wear to each place you go, how you shave, how you style your hair, how often you brush your teeth, all the way down to the way you drive, eat, and approach life in general, they are ALWAYS watching!!  That is why taking good care of yourself, your health, your grooming, the house, the car, matters so much. They want to be like you, so they will learn by watching you, Dad!

Healthy Dad, Healthy Kid

Teaching them to care for their body and their health is SO IMPORTANT. They notice:

  • how often you exercise, ;
  • the foods you eat, 
  • how often you brush your teeth and 
  • what courses of action you take when you are sick. 

Make sure little eyes find you living a healthy lifestyle! You want to be as healthy as you can be so you are around for a long time to watch them grow and flourish. You want them to see YOU practice the healthy habits that you are insisting they practice. They get a healthy, strong Dad and they will emulate your healthy lifestyle and grow up to be healthy adults with good lifestyle habits! It’s a win-win for everyone!!


Kids are always fascinated with superheroes. Whether it’s a comic book, cartoon, or movie they are always dressing up like these characters, imagining they are saving the world. You, Dad, are the super hero in real life!  You are their hero! Keep taking time for your children, spend time with them, play with them, talk to them and set aside time just to listen to what they have to say. As time goes on and they grow up, you will find the super hero they most want to be, the one they most likely will become, is you!!

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