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Healthy Summer Foods To Keep You Hydrated

As the sun beams down, warming up these summer days, it’s important to keep you and your family hydrated during these hot days. Whether it’s swimming, playing sports, riding bikes or just soaking up the summer sun, the danger of becoming dehydrated is a real possibility. We all know how important drinking water is, but did you know that the food you eat can also add hydration to your body, giving you even more fluids as you fuel your body for summer recreation. Fill up your water bottle and your refrigerator with these great foods we are about to explore and make this summer one to remember!


Fruits That Keep You Hydrated

You can still have your summer sweet treats, stay healthy and hydrated all in one! Fruit is nature’s gift to us that satisfies our need for sweets but is also good for us and brings us many health benefits. When your summer sweet cravings come, try some of these great choices!

  • Watermelon – Has a water content of 91.45%. Watermelon lives up to its name by being made mostly of water, but also contains vitamins C, A, and B along with zinc, copper and potassium
  • Strawberries – Have a water content of 90.95%. Strawberries are filled with sweet goodness and LOTS of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber
  • Cantaloupe – Has a water content of 90.15%. Cantaloupe is full of fiber, vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin A
  • Peaches – Have a water content of 88.87%. Peaches are full of nutrients including vitamins A, C, E and K, along with phosphorus and potassium
  • Oranges – Have a water content of 86.75%. Oranges provide vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and B vitamins
  • Pineapple – Has a water content of 86%. Pineapples are full of all kinds of great nutrients: vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme
  • Apples – Have a water content of 85.56%. Apples are packed full of vitamin C and fiber.
  • Tomatoes – Have a water content of 94.52%. Tomatoes are full of fiber, potassium, folate, vitamins K and C, and lycopene that works toward preventing cell damage
  • Grapefruit – Has a water content of 88%. Grapefruit is always a good hydrating snack due to its water content and its healthy list of benefits which include fiber, vitamins A and C, antioxidants, folate, and potassium
  • Honeydew Melon – Has a water content of 89.82%. Honeydew is an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamin K
  • Magnesio a cosa serve ? Magnesium is a vital mineral in the human body, since it is involved in over 300 enzyme processes. It helps with muscle and neuron function, blood pressure regulation, and immune system support, among other things.


Vegetables That Keep You Hydrated

Your parents were right to make you eat your vegetables. Not only are they power packed with vitamins and minerals, they actually taste good too! Here are some great facts about your vegetable favorites, some just might surprise you!

  • Cucumbers – Have a water content of 96.73%. Cucumbers have a satisfying crunch and provide you with potassium, magnesium, calcium, cucurbitacins which are known to have an antidiabetic effect  
  • Carrots – Have a water content of 88.29%. Carrots have vitamin A, beta carotene, potassium, vitamin K, fiber, and folate
  • Iceberg Lettuce – Has a water content of: 95.64%. Iceberg lettuce is a great vegetable to keep you hydrated, along with offering fiber, zinc, potassium, and vitamins A and K
  • Romaine Lettuce – Has a water content of 93.47%. Romaine lettuce packs a powerful, healthy punch because it is a great source of vitamins C, K and A, as well as folate and fiber
  • Spinach – Has a water content of 91.4%. Spinach boasts a great amount of fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins A and K, and folate
  • Kale – Has a water content of 89.63%. Kale is high in vitamins C, A, and K, along with fiber, calcium, omega-3 and protein
  • Celery – Has a water content of 95.43%. Celery sticks are great snacks and provide lots of fiber, potassium, folate and vitamins K and A
  • Broccoli – Has a water content of 89.3%., Broccoli is rich in nutrients like iron, potassium, fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants 
  • Zucchini – Has a water content of 92.73%. Zucchini has potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, K and C, along with fiber
  • Cauliflower – Has a water content of 92%. Cauliflowers provides a long list of many health benefits, those being fiber, over 15 different types of vitamins and minerals, and choline which is not often found in many natural foods, that helps metabolism and brain health
  • Bell Peppers – Have a water content of 92%. Bell peppers are another great vegetable that will give you that satisfying crunch when eaten raw or excellent taste as well when cooked. They give you vitamin B, potassium, high amounts of vitamin C, and carotenoid antioxidants which help to reduce your risk of eye diseases and certain cancers
  • Cabbage – Has a water content of 92%. Cabbage has many health benefits that include fiber, vitamins C and K, folate, and glucosinolates which are antioxidants that can help protect you against certain types of cancer


Other Healthy Alternatives

We are all aware of the importance of vegetables and fruit in our diets, but there are some other healthy alternatives that pack a nutritional punch that you may not be aware of.

  • Skim Milk – Has a water content of 90.84%. Skim milk is an excellent source of calcium as well as protein and vitamin D
  • Soy Milk – Has a water content of 90.36%, Soy milk is a great source of calcium, vitamin D and B vitamins
  • Soups and broths – Have a water content of 92%. Soups and broths are great hydrating choices because of their water content and they help you to feel full faster, saving you calories. The more vegetables you add to your soups, the healthier they become
  • Plain yogurt –  Yogurt that is not artificially flavored and does not have added sugar has a water content of 88%. Yogurt itself is a great food option, boasting great amounts of calcium, potassium, protein and phosphorus 
  • Cottage Cheese – Has a water content of 80%. Cottage cheese is known to be an excellent source of calcium, it also contains protein, phosphorus, selenium and vitamin B-12
  • Coconut Water – All natural coconut water without artificial flavoring or added sugar has a water content of 95%. It’s no secret that coconut water is made up of, well, mostly water, but it also gives the body great nutrients such as electrolytes, sodium, chloride, and potassium. Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes which can replenish and rehydrate the body after exercise and workouts, and it’s a good alternative to most sports drinks because they come with extra calories and are flooded with added sugars that are not good for you


Make Healthy Choices

When you do the research into the nutritional foundation of fruits and vegetables, you see how and why they are CRUCIAL to our daily health and wellbeing for our bodies. It’s NEVER too late to make our health a priority, today is always a great day to make a healthy start. Try some vegetables and fruits that you’ve never had, or thought you didn’t like. You might just surprise yourself at what becomes your new favorite food choices!


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